What Do You Really, Really Want?


If you want to experience and understand coaching this is a great book! Through the context of a story, Kevin Stebbings beautifully gives you insight into how coaching works, weaving through the text the principles and transformative benefits of coaching.

The story follows two people in different parts of the world and how they work with a coach to bring about personal and professional growth and change. You follow their journey, as if eaves-dropping on their coaching conversation over 6 sessions each. Through powerful and insightful questions, the coach draws out deeper awareness, and challenges his two clients towards their goals and desired change.

Kevin outlines the process and framework of coaching throughout the story narrative. While it feels like you are reading a novel, you gain insight into how coaching works and the benefits for the client. It’s much more enjoyable than reading a book on the theory of coaching!

Do add this to your reading list if you are interested in gaining a deeper understanding of coaching. Or if you are a coach seeking to grow in your coaching expertise, you too will learn much from Kevin’s writing and experience.